Saturday, May 20, 2017

Top 100 Super Palookas Part 8


Astronaut Werewolf. Now that's an original concept.
John Jonah Jameson III, son of J. Jonah, was a test pilot and astronaut.  Jameson encountered a moon rock called the Godstone, which housed the essence of the Stargod (a space God that looked like a wolf man. OK.) and it's power transformed Jameson into the Moon-Wolf.
John Jameson has been a consistent presence in the MU since his creation in 1963!
He's bounced around in different forms, with different roles, but his time as Moon-Wolf is what he'll most likely always be recognized for.



There was a time in the 80s when lots of comic creators seemed to have a massive mistrust of their government (I wonder why) and lots of different comics portrayed government sanctioned superheroes as less-than-Admirable.
None better portray this idea than Force of July. 
A whole team comprised of ultra-patriotic super-humans who tangled with the likes of The Outsiders and Suicide Squad.
They'd all die eventually, and a new team of non-powered agents would replace them, but I always thought this team had a ton of potential.


As a kid, I mainly remember the Controller as being the dude who looks way too much like Thanos. 
Basil Sandhurst was a control freak scientist who was paralyzed by his brother in a lab explosion.
Outfitted with a powerful exoskeleton, he'd soon become obsessed with enslaving the populace (as you do) but would be routinely stopped by that killjoy Iron Man.
For being such an imposing looking character, he was always kind of underwhelming, mainly  using his mind control powers unsuccessfully and being thrown into the Vault.
He somehow managed to be a major character though, and fought pretty much everybody. 


Dominic Fortune was a classic Howard Chaykin creation: more swashbuckling adventurer than superhero, he was alive during the Great Depression...and he even once saved a Pre-Super Soldier Steve Rogers from getting beaten up by bullies. 
Having adventures for 6 decades, with his youth and vitality restored with a bootleg super soldier serum, he'd team up with all manner of A list heroes in the 80s, but sort of disappeared by the 90s. He'd eventually show up in a few appearances in the modern age (including a cool story were he was an "Avenger" in the 1950s) but usually only when Chaykin would return to Marvel.
While the heart logo is questionable, I always thought he was a cool character. He had that Chaykin charm. I mean, the dude lives on a Gambling river boat! That's pretty boss.



I can't believe DC has two of these guys. I have neither of these dudes gotten killed off in a Crisis of some sort?
And we're talking about characters created by Kirby (Quilt) and Ditko (Spectro) here!!!
Spectro actually started out as a Charlton creation, and was obtain by DC when they acquired the rights for Captain Atom. Quilt, while being famous for being a Bat Villain, was actually created to battle the Boy Commandos. 
They are both still haunting the DC comics community, mainly as a punchline about fashion crimes. 

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